Tips to boost your wellbeing in Covid times
Self-care is important when you’re social distancing and staying at home. These tips are to get you thinking about what will help your mental health. These small actions are big mood-boosters – find what works for you and keep at it.

Use technology to stay connected
Connect with the people who are important to you on the phone, through social media, video chats and text. Self-isolation doesn’t mean cutting off all communication – in fact, it’s more important than ever to talk and listen, share stories and advice, and stay in touch with the people who matter to you. For example, you might want to organise a digitally shared lunch, or schedule a daily phone call with your mother.
Take notice of things that make you feel good
Eat healthy food, notice the beauty outside your window or on a walk around the block, take time to thank people. What else can you see? Pay attention to how you feel when you do these things and then try to do them more often.
Keep moving
Try not to spend all day in bed or on the couch. Getting some exercise helps your mind and body release tension and stress and it gives you the energy and good feelings you need to get through. Find ways to move your body and your mood every day. Remember, you can go outside, but you need to limit your contact with others. It’s ok to go for a walk, run or ride your bike, as long as you follow the rules.

Think about what you have to offer others
Giving helps us feel we’re still a part of our family and community, even when we have to stay at home. You’ve got so much to offer – get creative and think about ways you can give your time, skills and knowledge to help others. For example, can you text a compliment to someone, share a recipe or book recommendation on social media, or call someone who might be feeling lonely.
Stick to a routine
This sounds boring but it will help you get through each day. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time, eat regularly, shower, change your clothes, get some fresh air, book in video-chats with colleagues or friends, do your chores. Make sure you make time for fun!
Find ways to relax
This is especially important if you’re feeling stressed or anxious. Finding things that help you breathe deeply, switch off and recharge will help you feel better.
Listen to a podcast or do a meditation
Screen time can quickly creep up when you’re hanging about the house. Listening to a podcast is a great way to stay entertained and it allows you to do tasks at the same time. Or if you really want to, switch to new apps that will give you meditation and exercising.
Do some de-cluttering
Tidy home, tidy mind, right? Whether you want to go full-blown Marie Kondo or refold towels in your linen closet, doing a bit of tidying and organising around the house will give you a satisfying feeling of accomplishment.
Do some gardening
There’s something about being close to nature and using your hands that really helps ground you and make you feel more positive. Weeding, pruning and raking those autumn leaves are all simple yet mood-boosting tasks. If you don’t have a garden, give your indoor plants some attention by dusting and wiping their leaves. Try talking to them (maybe when nobody else is watching!).
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