Spring has Sprung! Getting your rental property ready for the new season.

It’s been a long and very wet winter! But with Spring upon us, it’s time to turn our attention to the requirements of your rental property to remedy the effects of winter – and ready it for the season ahead! Here’s a quick checklist of things your property manager will be working on with you and your tenant.
Inside the house:
The biggest issue inside is water! With a record winter for rainfall, it’s been a real test for even the most weather-tight of houses. Consider:
- An overall roof and gutter check, for damage or deterioration.
- The effects of condensation built up within the house over winter. This includes areas where mould can potentially take hold such as curtains and soft furnishings. Consider ensuring windows have secure ventilation settings and evaluating if the property needs a HRV system installed for next winter.
- The rain also means mud! Keeping on top of mat and carpet cleaning will lengthen the life of the carpet in the property and the property manager will discuss this with tenants.
- A pest check is also advisable – winter is the time where those big and small like to hide indoors!
Outside the house:
The long winter will have left its mark on the exterior and the grounds! As we going into Spring the property manager will be able to have a better indication of the tenants upkeep of the grounds and gardens . Consider:
- Waterblast decks and paths to return surfaces to safety standards. Timber will also last longer if there is no mould and moisture penetrating.
- House-wash – All properties should have a house wash once a year to prevent mould and dirty build up, causing cladding deterioration and lessening the life of the paintwork. This also looks good for presentation by the tenant (Cost – $199 for single storey house and $269 for two level house.)
- Any trees which may have been damaged and require pruning for safety considerations, as well as for the health of the tree.
- Clearing out the gutters is also important after the winter – for general maintenance but also as rain is still very much the forecast for Spring!
Summer is the best season for making repairs – so Spring is the best time to plan and book them! Talk to your Point Property Manager today about your Spring check-list.